Erk Bilgiç

After graduating from Dokuz Eylül University’s Faculty of
Fine Arts, Department of Performing Arts, Acting Major, he has
performed as an actor in professional theaters, TV series, and
films. He has also worked in dubbing for TV series, films, and
commercials in Istanbul.
In 2013, Erk Bilgiç founded Tiyatrohane. He continues his
training and stage work at Tiyatrohane, having directed over
forty plays since 2008.
Between 2009 and 2011, he served as the head of the evening
schools department at Müjdat Gezen Art Center and taught
acting and dubbing at Izmir Akkademi Tiyatro, as well as
directing, between 2011 and 2013. His academic and private
workshop studies include the development of an academic
curriculum on “Actor Training” under the guidance of Prof. Dr.
Özdemir Nutku.
He is currently developing the “Actor’s Emotional Focus and
Concentration Technique” method and has taken on the
management of laboratory studies.
He has participated in the “Contemporary Improvisation”
workshop with Dr. Selda Ergün and the “Freeing the Natural
Voice – Linklater Method” workshop with Alessandro Fabrizi,
both aimed at professional actors.

Filiz Güleç Kutlu

Filiz Güleç Kutlu, the owner of ReSkills Training Lifelong
Learning Center, has emerged as one of the pioneers in the
field of Industry 4.0 in Turkey, graduating from the country’s
first-ever “Industry 4.0 Expert Certification Program” organized
by the Ministry of Industry and Technology. Alongside being a
sociologist and Human Resources Specialist, Filiz Güleç Kutlu
holds degrees in Sociology from Ege University and Labor
Economics and Industrial Relations from Anadolu University.

Barbara Revelli

Barbara Revelli is the Head of Programmes at ELIA, the globally connected European network for higher arts education. With over fifteen years of experience in strategy, policy, international projects, events, and content development within the cultural and creative industries and arts education, she has been a key figure at ELIA since 2011. Barbara has led several pan-European projects, including the large-scale Cyanotypes initiative focused on skills development in the Cultural and Creative Industries. She also manages various working groups and fosters partnerships and knowledge exchange across diverse communities. Prior to ELIA, Barbara worked in cinema, media production, and the fashion industry and has a background in Arts and Cinema studies from Italy and Paris. Her experience at GRI – Global Reporting Initiative, a leader in CSR and sustainability reporting, deepened her focus on the intersection of ecology and creativity.

Roberto Gómez de la Iglesia

Roberto Gómez de la Iglesia, economist and cultural manager, is an expert in creative economy, founder of Conexiones Improbables (Hybridace to innovate), co-creator and director of Kultursistema, and CEO of Hibridalab, Center for Open Innovation and Creative Transfer (Basque Country). With 40 years of experience, he has led numerous cultural, innovation, and social economy projects. He is also a lecturer and author on cultural management and creative sectors, active in both Europe and Latin America.

Eleonora Santini

Eleonora is a project manager with extensive experience in the planning, management, and implementation of projects in support of the social sector, specifically focused on inclusion for disadvantaged and vulnerable target groups, and experimenting with cross-sectorial and social innovation practices. With a Master in European project design for culture and creativity, Eleonora is interested in projects that can, at different levels, harness culture and creativity to foster and promote social inclusion and the active participation of the community. She is currently driving the development of social inclusion projects for Materahub.

Henk Vermeulen

Henk Vermeulen is chairman of the board of Nimeto, a vocational institute in Utrecht, dedicated to the creative industries. Henk is a strong believer of the power of communities and cooperation.

Henk is also member of the steering committee of Utrecht Creative Community (UCC). UCC is a cooperation between schools in the region Utrecht and organizations and companies of the creative industry.

The ambition of UCC is to professionalize the people working in the creative industry and to increase participation in lifelong learning activities.

Riitta Huttunen

Riitta Huttunen works as a working life lecturer and project manager of the University of the Arts Helsinki pre-incubator programme, Uniarts Hub. She has long and varied work experience in music organisations, educational institutions, record companies and a wide range of projects. Her interests include cultural well-being, expanding job profiles for artists, entrepreneurship in the arts and career guidance. She holds a Master of Music and a Master of Social and Healthcare in Occupational Therapy and is also a qualified career counsellor.

Arthur Steiner

Arthur Steiner is an art historian, cultural entrepreneur and strategist with a passion for driving social impact.

As a co-founder of New Silk Roads, an energetic social impact agency operating across Cairo, Tunis, and Amsterdam, Arthur collaborates with artists and designers, creative entrepreneurs, technologists, art collectors, and impact investors to pioneer bold and creative solutions for the challenges and opportunities of the future.

With a background in philanthropy, Arthur previously served as a grantmaker and strategic advisor for various organizations, including Hivos, where he led the global grantmaking program on art and culture. During his tenure, he established Digital Earth, a groundbreaking research fellowship supporting artists and designers worldwide through educational initiatives, decentralized residencies, and public programs.

Arthur is also known for his role as a co-initiator and editor of books like Vertical Atlas.

Marko Popović

Marko Popović is a cultural manager and creative industry professional at Creative Industry Košice in Slovakia. With a background in audio-visual production, event management, and cultural programming, Marko is currently developing and managing EU projects under Horizon, Erasmus+ and Interreg programs. Marko has an experience in working in various CCI sectors in different European regions and contexts and fostering cross-sectorial collaboration for new value creation in the industry.

Martijn Blom

Martijn is a senior fund development advisor at Impact Europe (formerly EVPA), where he also leads the Community of Practice for impact investors in culture and creativity. He’s also board member of Graphic Matters and Blind Walls Gallery Foundations in Breda, where he lives.

At Impact Europe, Martijn is working on fund design, development, and support in two EU funded projects, with contributions to Ukraine Social Venture Fund (USVF), Actio Fund in Georgia, and Via Fund in Armenia and actively working with other team in Eastern Partnership and MENA.

Martijn has been active as an impact investor since 2007 from his companies Droomzaken and business angel network De Investeerdersclub. In 2016 he co-founded Hivos Impact Investments, and the two funds under management, where he was responsible for investor relations.

Over the years Martijn has hold several positions in boards and investment committees for a diversity of funds, like the Brabant Startup Funds and the Seed Capital and Business Development Committee of the DGGF (fund of funds).

In 2003 Martijn started his carreer as an entrepreneur, when he successfully scaled and exited a staffing agency: JongeHonden.